How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password? How to unlock iPhone? - Complete guide.

Most likely, you came to this page hoping to find a solution to unlock your iPhone. And it's good ... that you came to us. After all, the Internet is full of articles that not only mislead people, but at the same time try to impose someone's dubious services ... What exactly do you mean by unlocking? After all, the word unlock” can be applied to the iPhone in a variety of contexts. This may be a forgotten numeric password or a lock for a specific communication provider, or a lock via iCloud (Find iPhone service). The listed types of blocking have nothing to do with each other, therefore, in each case, the actions should be correspondingly different. Today I will tell you how to unlock the iPhone in all of these situations.

Why is your iPhone locked?

Let's reiterate that the iPhone can be considered locked for various reasons. The very word " blocked” may mean different states of the iPhone. But I'm just sure that many users, finding themselves face to face with a problematic device, try to find a solution on the Internet on request “ how to unlock iphone”… It’s a pity that at the very top of the Google and Yandex search results on this moment there are sites that are far from fully revealing this topic ... I hope this article will fix everything.

So, I have identified three cases in which you may need to unlock your iPhone. Here they are:

1 Forgot numeric passcode for iPhone
2 Lock iPhone by mobile carrier
3 iCloud Activation Lock activated

Solve which of the problems is closer to yours and move on to solving your problem.

1 - Forgot numeric passcode for iPhone

A numeric passcode (4 or 6 digits) is set on the iPhone to protect your own data. If the password was forgotten or initially unknown, then access to information on the iPhone cannot be obtained. Remember the recent legal showdown between the FBI and Apple during the San Bernardino massacre investigation? Then Apple refused to provide the FBI with the means to unlock the terrorist's iPhone. Well, if the FBI can not get to the data hidden behind the password, then you are not destined. It follows that data from a password-protected iPhone can no longer be retrieved. Is that what you have already done backup. In spite of this, You can still unlock your iPhone. To do this, you will have to erase all data from the device.(including a numeric password). Again, there are several options. How to do this in the instructions below.

There are at least three ways that will lead to complete cleaning iPhone. First- using iTunes (provided that this iPhone has been previously synchronized with your computer). Second- through the Find My iPhone service on (provided that you have access to the account that is registered in this iPhone). The third- through the recovery mode (no conditions are present). That's it the last way we will erase all the information on the iPhone.

Step 1 Connect your iPhone with a cable to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2 Hard reset your iPhone by holding down the HOME + POWER buttons at the same time. Do not release the buttons until the iTunes logo with a cable image is displayed on the iPhone screen. This will signal that recovery mode has been successfully activated on the iPhone.

Step 3 A window will appear on your computer screen asking you to restore/update your device. Select “ Reestablish” (Restore).

Step 4 iTunes will start downloading the latest iOS version for your iPhone. On average, an iOS distribution takes up about 1.5 GB. If your Internet connection is slow, then the download process may take a long time. If the waiting time exceeds 15 minutes, iPhone will exit recovery mode and you will have to repeat steps 2 and 3.

Once the restore process is complete, your iPhone will return to a "like out of the box" state and you will need to set it up again. If you still have a backup copy, there should be no problems at all.

2 - Lock iPhone by mobile operator

Now consider the situation when the iPhone is locked to a specific mobile operator. Typically, such phones enter our market through gray schemes from America or Europe. In civilized countries, most of the population has long been using mobile services on a contract basis. Those. paying a monthly amount, the client receives a certain tariff package. When concluding a contract, the client is usually offered mobile phone to choose from. It can be free or for a nominal fee. At the same time, such phones are provided locked under a specific operator. Thus, conditionally cheap / free iPhones locked under AT&T or Verizon appear in the hands of people, which then enter our market.

The problem is that such iPhones can only be unlocked by calling the support service of the mobile operator. No letters to the operator's e-mail address will go through, you don't have to try. If you still decide to call the operator and request unlocking the iPhone, you will be asked for the personal account of the executed contract and whether you are the owner of this account. If your answer to both questions is no, they won't be able to help you. The thing is that it is allowed to remove the lock from the iPhone only after the expiration of the contract (usually 2 years).

How to unlock iPhone in such a situation? The answer is no! Unlocking such devices is almost impossible. But there is a solution that will help bypass this lock and allow you to use your iPhone with any SIM card. This solution is called Turbo SIM, and is an adapter (a thin board the size of a nano sim), which you must put into the phone's sim tray along with the sim card itself. TurboSIM is currently available from three major manufacturers: Jevey, R-Sim and Heicard. Detailed information for setting up TurboSIM you will find here on this site.

3 - How to unlock iPhone with iCloud Activation Lock activated?

Another common type of lock that could happen to your iPhone is iCloud Activation Lock. The most common reason that leads to this type of blocking is the input of someone else's data. Apple ID in Settings - iCloud your iPhone. If you knew how many comments people leave under my articles complaining that some strangers (scammers) fraudulently blocked their phones by activating Lost Mode. Well, what can you do, as my father says - “ Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness". Don't trust every person you meet on the internet...

On the other hand, the iPhone may have locked up after updating/restoring the iOS firmware. This usually happens when the iPhone was not properly unlinked from the previous owner's Apple ID account.

There can be more than a few varieties of iCloud Activation Lock manifestation, so one article cannot fit them all. In any case, there are not many ways to unlock an iPhone. Basically, all methods come down to talking with Apple support, but there are other steps that you can do yourself to unlock your iPhone.

Depending on your situation, read the articles at the link below:

In this article, I have tried to include three different reasons that can lead to iPhone being blocked. They are not related to each other in any way and the actions in each case should be correspondingly different. If you did not find the answer to your question, write in the comments what exactly brought you to this page. In one of the following articles, I will tell you in more detail how to unlock the iPhone for use with any GSM operator and what nuances may arise when using Turbo SIM.

Greetings to all readers of the computer blog site! A friend of mine recently contacted me with a request to unlock the iPhone 5s. According to him, being in a state of intoxication, he put a password on the phone (from his girlfriend), and in the morning he could not remember it. After several unsuccessful passcode attempts, the iPhone was automatically locked.

When turned on, the display shows " iPhone disabled! Connect to iTunes." When connecting to a computer, the problem was not solved - a password was still required.

In this article, I will tell you how to unlock any Apple device - iPhone 4, 4s, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad, etc. We will remove the lock by flashing, i.e. Full reset of the phone to the "factory" state. iPhone firmware is a complicated procedure, but in fact it is quite simple, so do not rush to bring your phone to the service, but first try to do everything yourself.

Firmware will help solve any software problems with your phone. Essentially, we will do full reset iPhone to factory condition as if we had just bought it. I will warn you right away, we will need internet access.

I unlocked iPhone 5, model a1429, but firmware method is universal, and will work for all Apple devices − iPhone 4,5,6,7, as well as iPad.

Most often, this article is read by people who forgot the password on your phone. In such cases, the iPhone/iPad displays messages like: " iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes" or "Repeat after 24,000,000 minutes«.

However, you can try flashing your phone for any problems with your iPhone. For example, if your iPhone glitches, restarts, or won't boot or turn on at all- iPhone flashing can help you!

Alarm! When using this method, all information on your Apple device will be erased. Be careful, and if you still hope to remember the password, look for other ways to unlock it.

You do all the actions described below at your own peril and risk, and I am not responsible for a damaged phone. Fortunately, the procedure is standard, invented by Apple itself, so go ahead! 😉

I immediately upset those whose iPhone is tied to iCloud.

If there is no access to this iCloud, this method will not help you anyway. After the firmware, the phone will start asking for a password from iCloud. In this case, you can restore access to the phone only with the original box from this phone, as well as a cash receipt for it. All this will need to be sent to Apple, they will check the information and restore access to you.

If you don’t have a password or a check, alas, you have a brick. Well, you can change the motherboard, or sell the phone for spare parts, which is basically the same.

How to flash any Apple device - iPhone 4, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad? Step-by-step instruction.

To get started, you need download and install iTunes from the official apple website:

Installing iTunes shouldn't be too difficult, but just in case, it's detailed in video at the end of the article.

So, we have the program installed.

First we need to put the iPhone into recovery mode. It's very easy to do this:

Congratulations! You are logged in recovery mode!

Now we turn our attention to the laptop screen. iTunes should automatically launch. If it doesn't, start it manually. You will see a window asking you to restore or update your iPhone:

We press the button " Reestablish«.

Next, most likely, a window will pop up asking you to install the most latest version iOS. After clicking the "Restore and Update" button All data on your iPhone will be erased, then downloaded and installed the new iPhone software. We think, then we press this button.

This window may pop up:

The firmware download for the iPhone will begin from the Apple website. The download time depends on the speed of your internet connection. Download progress can be monitored by clicking the icon in the upper right corner:

After going through all the steps, on the iPhone you will see the welcome screen:

Hooray, our iPhone 5 is unlocked! It remains to insert a SIM card, and set it up as if you just bought it in a store!

iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes - how to unlock? [VIDEO]

I recommend watching the short video below. In it, I talk about the process of unlocking the iPhone 5 in as much detail as possible:

Do not forget subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Error 4013 when restoring iPhone.

If you read on, and do not rejoice at your “resurrected” phone, then something has not worked out for you. To be honest, it didn't go smoothly for me the first time. When you first try to restore an iPhone by flashing it, at the “Waiting for iPhone” stage An unknown error has occurred (4013):

“B.., well, what the f..?!” … "Fine!" I thought. “When faced with a problem, I can warn my subscribers about it!” Started looking for a solution. The forums were full of advice of various kinds. A very popular option was Put your iPhone in the freezer and then flash it«:

I did not resort to such radical solutions as freezing someone else's device, and decided to first follow the recommendations from the official Apple website.

Apple technical support recommended 3 options when these errors appeared - install the latest windows updates or Mac, change the USB cable (also, I advise you to try plugging the device into another USB port), or try restoring the iPhone on another computer:

Since I have a lot of different laptops at hand (), I decided to go the third way, especially since on the first laptop due to the small volume hard drive there was a "stripped down" Windows 7. Of course, without any updates.

What do you think - after starting the recovery procedure on another laptop, everything went well!

If you encounter any other errors when restoring your iPhone, take a look.

If you have any questions or just liked the article, leave a comment below it.

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Users of Apple devices sometimes face the problem of how to unlock an iPhone / iPhone (4s, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus), if the password is forgotten, on their own through iTunes, iCloud, using the function " Find iPhone" And " recovery mode". Any mobile device Apple, whether it's a phone, tablet or player, work under a single operating system. Accordingly, the problems are similar.

One problem can mean several problems at once, for example, sometimes there are problems with the well-known Find My iPhone service, in addition, phones are sometimes tied to a specific operator. Each problem requires a separate analysis and a substantive approach to its solution.

B SIM card lock needed to ensure that the phone is used only with a specific operator. In most cases, this is used in the US, when the cost of the contract with the phone is much less than the free phone. For a significant discount, up to a price of one dollar, you have to pay a ban on the use of SIM cards from other operators.

After global update operating system to the 7th version, the visual components of the shell have changed, and an option has appeared to minimize theft of mobile equipment. We are talking about the Find My iPhone service, which does not involve resale to third parties. In the case of purchasing a used phone, if the original owner sells it with Find My iPhone(without unbinding from your account), the gadget will be blocked for the new user.

For this reason, service centers began to function, offering iPhone unlocking services, but only some of them really solve the problem. Apple technology is one of the most complex and repairing the hardware of a smartphone can only be done by someone who has specialized tools and knowledge in this area. With all the security of the phone, a forgotten password is not yet a sign that it needs to be taken in for repair, as there are ways to unlock the iPhone / iPhone on your own, without even knowing the intricacies of the OS.

Ways to unlock iPhone / iPhone (with iOS 7, 8, 9) without a password yourself

The simplest lock in existence is a password iPhone screen if it is forgotten. Unlock iPhone / iPhone (4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus) with your own hands in several ways:

Reset iPhone / iPhone password using iTunes

Unlocking iPhone (iPhone screen) using iTunes is the most common method. It is suitable for those users who have previously synchronized with iTunes and, accordingly, a backup copy of data has been saved on the computer, which can be used to solve the blocking problem.

The instruction is very simple, and if you already had an acquaintance with iTunes management, then there should be no problems:

  • connect iPhone to computer using USB cable;
  • open the connected device in iTunes and click the " Restore iPhone».

Everything is done automatically, nothing needs to be confirmed on the phone or computer.

Reset iPhone / iPhone password via iCloud

You can unlock an iPhone via iCloud on your own very quickly, only for this method several components must match at once: access to a Wi-Fi network and a smartphone connected to it or an Internet connection via a mobile network(with available mobile network the device is configured independently), as well as previously activated service "Find iPhone". If the phone has these necessary components, then:

  • go to the iCloud service and enter " Apple ID" And password;

  • go to section " Find iPhone»;

  • after logging into the iCloud service, select the required device (above);

  • after that, you need to click on the icon with the name and then select the button to the right " Erase iPhone»;

  • the system will require you to enter a password for your Apple ID;

  • the reset process will start, as a result, all data will be deleted (the display on the smartphone will first turn off and later the logo will light up);

Unlock (passcode reset) iPhone / iPhone using recovery mode

If you have not previously synced with iTunes and the " Find iPhone» is not activated, then the first two ways to reset the password from the iPhone / iPhone will not work on your own, it remains to use the recovery mode. As a result, information from the device, settings and password will be erased. For this you need:

  • connect iPhone to computer via USB cable and run iTunes (download the latest version) ;.
  • then press and hold the buttons simultaneously Inclusion"(sleep/wake) and " Home"(Home) until the device logo appears and then the recovery mode in the form of a sign appearing, where to select the “ Reestablish".

Depending on the device, iTunes will proceed to install iOS on the device. If, for some reason, during the restoration, the iPhone exits the mode (full recovery will not complete) or the process lasts more than 15 minutes, it is recommended to try again.

When the recovery is completed successfully, you can proceed with the installation of individual settings.

Detachment via support

If the phone was purchased abroad and therefore remains tied to a foreign mobile operator (SIM card), then the approach should be different. This is the most common type of blocking. Resetting the settings to factory settings and the subsequent procedure for restoring from a backup will not bring any result. The way out of the situation is longer and more complicated, and no one will guarantee that you will be able to untie the iPhone successfully.

All attempts to circumvent the contract binding are accompanied by great difficulties. You can try to make an official appeal to the operator that set this restriction. Regarding the USA, we can say that the operators Sprint and AT & T are most widely used there, but this needs to be specified separately.

A lot of criteria must match, which allow you to untie the phone. Key ones:

  • the term of the contractual agreement with the operator (two years) must expire at the time of contacting him;
  • there should be no communication debts;
  • no violations or blacklists;
  • the receipt from the store where the device was purchased.

You can entrust this process to an experienced specialist who deals with the problem of tethered iPhones by IMEI.


It must be said right away that a chip with a tray is purchased for this unlock R-SIM where the new SIM card will be inserted.

Before buying it, the phone model and operating system version are specified, as well as which operator is to be unlocked. The pricing policy here is quite simple - the higher the OS version, the higher the cost of this chip. In addition, it will not be possible to update the operating system, otherwise the procedure will need to be performed from the beginning, from buying a chip, etc.

The only positive points are the independence from the type of operator, as well as the low price compared to the official unlock method. It is better to immediately look for phones that do not have a binding, then there will be no such problems.

Removing Activation Lock

There is also a blocking by Apple ID - not disabled function " Find iPhone» from a purchased used iPhone, if the previous owner of the device forgot or intentionally did not remove the binding. If we are talking about such a binding, then you need to prepare for some difficulties.

  1. You can try to get in touch with the old owner and ask him to untie apple id, turning off Find My iPhone feature.
  2. If this is not possible - contact the developers, but for this you need to find a box and a receipt. You will need to prove that the iPhone was not stolen by sending a photo of him and the box.

How to unlock iPhone if Apple ID is forgotten

If you find yourself in a situation where you forgot your password or lost it to your Apple ID, you have to remotely prove that you belong to this device. How to unlock iPhone / iPhone (4s, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus) if the password is forgotten, by yourself? You will need to contact support if available. a copy of the receipt of purchase, a box and the device itself. You need to take a photo of these things and send it to the support service mail, thereby proving your belonging.

You will need to go through this procedure even if the password is forgotten by the original owner of the device. It will help to avoid storing the password on the same computer. If there is an intention to sell the phone, then you need to take care of the decoupling yourself.


This article describes the available options for unlocking the iPhone / iPhone (4s, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus), if the password is forgotten, on your own: via iTunes, iCloud, using the "Find iPhone" and "Recovery Mode" functions. All of these methods are recommended. technical support developer.

To avoid these problems:

  1. You need to keep your account passwords in a safe place, for example, on a computer or in a notepad.
  2. The check received upon purchase cannot be thrown away.
  3. Before buying a supported phone, you should check if there is a block by SIM card, binding by Apple ID with the Find My iPhone function not disabled.

With whom it doesn’t happen - I forgot the password from the iPhone in iOS 11/12 and now I can’t unlock the phone. Sounds strange, but it's quite common. In search of solutions, you start looking on the Internet for a working way to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password. Many resources write that in this situation you can say goodbye to your phone, however, this is far from the case. There are at least three ways that can unlock and bypass the lock screen on iPhone even if you use Touch ID - using iTunes, using iCloud or Tenorshare iPhone Unlocker.

How to reset a forgotten passcode on iPhone

What to do if you forgot your iPhone passcode? Can I unlock my iPhone if I forgot my lock screen passcode? How to restore iPhone in iOS 11/12 if you forgot your passcode? The situation is quite solvable - you just need to correctly decide on the method of solving it. Below are several ways to reset a forgotten password on an iPhone.

1 way. Unlock iPhone with iTunes

You can remove a forgotten password on a locked iPhone using iTunes. To do this, do the following:

1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable and launch iTunes.

3. When the recovery mode starts, you need to wait a bit. Once the process is complete, the iPhone can be set up as new. Including it will be possible to reset the password or Touch ID.


Recovery mode will delete all data on your device. If you previously backed up all the data on your iPhone, then after the restore procedure, you can restore all the data from the backup file.

2 way. Unlock iPhone with iCloud

Unlock iPhone in iOS 11/12 using iCloud - works provided that geolocation is working on your device and Find My iPhone is activated, plus a phone in a Wi-Fi zone or in data transfer mode.

1. In a web browser, open the page, go through the authorization procedure using help from Apple ID and password.

3. Select the device from the list from which you forgot the password. Press the "Erase" button. After that, your phone will be cleared, the password from it will be deleted.

4. Now take your iPhone and set it up like new. If you have previously done backup data, then restore from the backup file.

3 way. Tenorshare iPhone Unlocker

Allows you to unlock iPhone X/8/8 Plus/7/6s/6/5s if you forgot your passcode. It doesn't matter if you used a 4-digit passcode, a 6-digit passcode, a numeric or alphanumeric combination, a Touch ID fingerprint scanner, or the new Face ID security. detailed instructions The use of the program is described below.

Download and install the software on PC/Mac before we start.

Step 1. Run the software and connect your iPhone / iPad to your computer via a USB cable.

Step 2. After the program recognizes your device, you can click "Start" to remove the iPhone passcode.

Step 3. Before unlocking iPhone passcode, download the latest iOS firmware online.

Step 4. When software will download to your computer, you can click Open Now to start iPhone recovery without an access code.

Step 5. The whole process takes a few minutes. Please keep your device connected to the system recovery process.

Step 6. When the iPhone passcode is removed successfully, you can set up your iPhone as new, including the passcode, Touch ID, and Face ID.

iCloud- an Internet service created by Apple, which serves for the remote storage of data and the exchange of this data between connected user devices.

The program works with iCloud "Find my Iphone". Wikipedia:

The Find iPhone/iPad/Mac application allows you to find any device running iOS or Mac OS, lock it, or remotely erase all data. For detection, you need to activate this feature on the device itself by entering the login and password from your iCloud account. There is no way to disable the feature without entering a password, so this can serve as a theft protection. To work, you need an Internet connection.


If the device disappears, the owner can go to the iCloud service and block this device. You can even send a message to your device's lock screen for someone to turn on the device.

The most stupid thing is when the owner locks the device, but does not indicate their contact details in the message on the lock screen. Not for myself, not for people.

Reasons for blocking devices

Let's start with the most “It's not my fault. It itself ”and we will reach the most malicious.
  • You bought an iPad, created for yourself account Apple ID, entered it on the device, but did not save the username and password for themselves. Some time later, you decide to reset your device or update it to iOS 7-8. And then iCloud will send you greetings in the form of an Apple ID request and a password that you have already forgotten.
  • Someone bought an iPad, but he was too lazy to set up the tablet himself. Some “Nutyzhkomputershchik” or a store seller set up for him and did not transfer the password and login. Someone resets or updates the device - hello from iCloud.
  • You buy the device by hand or online. You didn’t check if the old owner’s Apple ID was deleted from the device, the seller forgot to delete it or didn’t want to on purpose. Reset or update - hello. And some sellers sell it this way on purpose, then block the device remotely and demand money.
  • You walked and walked and found an iPad. Its owner has already noticed the loss and sent you greetings through the iCloud lock screen. If found, it is better to return the owner for a fee. :) Especially the Wi-Fi model. There is no sense from her yet.
  • Someone imperceptibly for the owner borrowed his iPad. He noticed, he blocked it.
  • Someone noticeably and with malicious hooliganism borrowed an iPad from the owner. The owner came to his senses and blocked the iPad.
Remember that stealing and buying stolen goods is an illegal activity.

If option 1 or 2 happened to you, then you can unlock the iPad officially.

On the iPad Model A1396 (GSM), remove the resistor r1205 (10 kOhm).
On Model A1397 (CDMA), move resistor r1205 to place r1204.

GSM has been made for so long, but only 1 person confirmed CDMA in personal correspondence.

Unlock iPad 3 3G

On iPad Model A1430 (GSM), remove resistor r1204 (10kΩ).
On Model A1403 (CDMA), perhaps move resistor r1204 to place r1205. CDMA not tested.

Schematic for iPad Model A1430 (GSM) checked by Ricardo Melquisedec (Brazil).

Unlock iPad 4 3G

On the iPad Model Model A1459 (GSM), remove the resistor r1204 (10kΩ).
On Model A1460 (CDMA) remove resistor r1204 (10kΩ).

A1459 checked Corsario (Brazil), A1460 - Karim (Morocco).

Unlock iPad mini 3G

On iPad Model A1454 (GSM), remove resistor r1204 and make a jumper in place of r1205.
On the Model A1455 (MM), remove resistors r1204 and r1205 and make a jumper in place of r1205.

A1454 Ricardo Melquisedec (Brazil), A1455 - Kujtim.

Unlock iPad Air 3G

On iPad Model A1475 (GSM), remove resistor r1506 (10kΩ?).

Checked by a resident of Kyiv.

Unlock iPad mini with Retina 3G

The rarest. Only an anonymous society of greedy unlockers has the schematics for the device itself. I don’t have good quality schemes, but what was had to be restored after scribbling by someone in Paint. The signatures of the resistors on the diagram cannot be read, therefore it is signed as 1, 2, 3, 4. Perhaps 4 is r1204, 1 is r1205.

On the Model A1490 (GSM), resistors 1 and 2 (both 2.2 kΩ) should remain on the board, remove resistors 3 and 4.

Submitted and tested by Alexander Hohlenko (Russia).

Useful information about other methods to bypass iCloud Lock

On the Wi-Fi version, you can "transplant" the NAND chip from an unlocked device. You can also transfer the NAND + modem bundle to the 3G / 4G version. Some, it seems, even put NAND + modems from the iPhone that are compatible with certain versions of devices on the iPad.

It's all complicated and expensive.

Resistors are very small, so do it all carefully and soberly. Good luck to you!

P.S. My karma is negative. Therefore, I can not often write comments and the number of pictures in them is limited. I would be grateful if you tell each other yourself, otherwise I will have to wait a long time to answer at least 1 time.